Saturday, June 7, 2008

Albert Creek Bird Banding Station

Julie at the bird banding station is holding a female Yellow Warbler, below she is weighing the
bird. The weight is taken last to enable the birds to fly out of the open ended tube when it is raised after being weighed.

Jillian checks
the nets
hidden in the
woods every
half hour. The net is is three sections, top to bottom and pulled out to the width of the net. Each night the nets are taken down.

Albert Creek

Male Yellow Warbler ready for release

A Warbling Vireo in the hanging bag will be next to be measured, sex determined, banded, and weighed.

The Warbling Vireo
Statistics are kept on every bird going through the process. All the information is sent to Ottawa, the warehouse for all such Banding Stations across Canada. Information on already banded birds caught can be brought up through the computer, to know where the birds were banded and how much they may have grown or how old they are currently. That information is also filed for future use. Thanks to our friends, Judy and Jerry, who told us about this place. I was very impressed. The banding goes on through Spring migration then again beginning in late July through Fall migration. The station is North of Watson Lake. ttfn, Karen & Don


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