Saturday, August 2, 2008

Bird Creek Tidal Bore--Turnagain Arm S. of Anchorage

Traveling north on the Seward Highway we remembered the area is known for their bore tides. We checked the time of the next occurrence of the tidal change and discovered that in perhaps an hour we could view the bore tide from the Bird Creek stop along the Turnagain Arm River.

As the outgoing tide turns back from the Cook Inlet to begin the process of once again refilling (in this case) Turnagain Arm, a large forming wall of incoming tide water meets the outflowing tide. The force of the incoming (returning) water is greater than the outflowing. When they meet, the waters literally hesitate, build up in height and force until finally the sheer weight of the incoming water suddenly propels forward (incoming) as a single wave. Waves here may reach a height of six feet and speeds of 8 mph.

Bore tides can only form when there is a natural obstruction at the mouth of the body of water where the bore occurs and there must be a great range between low and high tides. In Turnagain Arm the bore tides occur only when the low tide is above average; the lower the low tide, the higher the bore tide.

Artic Daisy

Final stop of the day was to once again visit friends Joanne and Frances Jackson. We met a few years back on an Escapees RV Club Mexican Connection-Mexico Rally. We, the Jacksons and two other couples 4-wheeled our way through the Copper Canyons of Mexico after the Rally. The Jacksons came to Alaska about 3 years ago for the summer and have not left yet! They have been too busy enjoying themselves as camp hosts in various areas of Alaska and care taking nature centers in the winters. What a life! Don't look too overstressed now, do they...
Thanks Joanne for always having food ready for us when we appear and sharing your Pear Honey recipe as well as your supply list for survival in the bush for a 2 month stretch. You both are GREAT people and our privilege to know.
BBYN, Karen and Don


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