Monday, August 18, 2008

First sighting 100 miles away

Yes, yes, trust me I do know that there are a lot of what you might consider repetitious pictures here (I really took a lot more), however consider when you see your first glimpse of Mt. McKinley, will you be able to take less?

These were taken just north of Willow, still 100 mile south of Denali National Park entrance.

The day was obviously clear (which does not occur often). Approximately 1/3 of the visitors seeking to see Denali are the lucky ones to see the 20,320 foot highest peak in the northern hemisphere.

I was amazed by how many local people also stopped here to take pictures of the of Mt. McKinley. Guess they like it as much as we did!

Hang through these and you will see a spectacular view.

Now, wasn't this panorama worth it?
BBYN, Karen and Don


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