Wednesday, April 30, 2008

North Ranch bloomin' cacti - part 1

They speak for themselves. All are equally unique and beautiful

Escapees North Ranch, Congress, AZ

It wasn't long before we arrived at North Ranch for Karen's long awaited Week of Beading!!! I had done Stringing with the twins and it was time to learn some new Beading techniques.

I usually use Delica beads; very seldom using Seed Beads. This was a week of learning to bead with seed beads. I sure do have a stock of seed beads now. In addition to the lessons there was a great "store" that Cathy Benson was offering. Cathy was the "managing coordinator and director" of our week. She had gather together many beading friends from both North Ranch and Saguaro Park in Benson, AZ to teach the different projects.

We came everyday for 5 days, eight hours a day and sometimes into the evening we beaded together. If we were at home in the evening, we beaded by ourselves; finishing one of the two projects we learned.

An option of a different sort was learning to bead on gourds. Some of the men came to join the gals in beading gourds.

Somehow there just isn't time to practice all the beading I learned; between catching up on blogging, moving and visiting more National Parks and Monuments.

Ok, so it is evening, television is on and maybe I better get beading then. TTFN

Monday, April 28, 2008

Mayflower Campground, Blythe, CA

After leaving Desert Hot Springs we hung out at the Mayflowr County Park in Blythe, Ca. for a week. Who wouldn't at a price of $210 a week which includes electricity. Because of the good prices, which are slightly higher during the winter months, many many Escapee members spend their winter there. It is close to Quartzsite and not far from Yuma. The main activiy during the month, we have heard, is lawn bowling and the participants are very serious about the game. We went to the Mayflower because friends of our, Bobby and Judy, recommended it. We will definately go back there.
This is the pond seen at the edge of the campground right where we were camped. It is also a pathway out to the Colorado River.

Don always loves cruising around in his inflatable boat whenever the chance presents itself. He goes first and after awhile I do get to join him.

The scenery is pretty with the mountains in the background.

And sometimes it is pretty rought out there on the Colorado


It is possible to find really shallow spots on which to take a walk-about .

Staying at the Mayflower County Park in Blythe, Ca. was a real pleasure completed by the friendly people and beautiful Colorado River.


Washing Up and leaving Desert Hot Springs

After about a month with my friends Horizon and Sunrise, twin friends of mine since the 4th grade, they agreed to wash our rig in exchange for the electrical work Don did for them.

Don took his position as supervisor.

Eventually, out of guilt, I started helping the twins wash the rig.

Their neighbor came along and his car got washed too.

Along with washing three of the girls cars.

After the cars were clean, it was time to attend to the gardens

and the cats.

Eating meals outside

And it is time to say goodbye to Desert Hot Springs and the fun the twins and I had. Don tolerated all the estrogen. TTFN